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AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI refers to the stimulation of human brain processes by computers or machines. Artificial intelligence can mimic the human brain’s processing to learn things, such as communication, reasoning, decision-making, and logic.


The accuracy refers to the percentage of right classifications that a trained machine learning model attains. It is usually calculated as the correct number of predictions divided by the total number of predictions throughout all the classes. The term Accuracy also refers to ACC.


An algorithm is an absolute set of instructions that shows how a problem should be solved. Algorithms can perform various tasks, such as calculations, data processing, and automated reasoning.

Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning involves taking some observations or evidence and making the best possible guess or hypothesis to explain them. It is about assuming the most likely explanation for the available data when you don’t have all the information.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Action Description Language

It is a special language used to describe the actions an AI agent can take and their effects.

Action language

Action language is a formal language that is used to represent and reason about actions and their effects in a dynamic environment

Action Model Learning (AML)

Action Model Learning (AML) is a technique in artificial intelligence, particularly in machine learning and automated planning. In this method, the AI learns from the effects and preconditions of actions within a system.

Action Planning

It refers to finding the best suite of actions that yields the best outcome for a specific goal.

Action Selection

This terminology consists of AI deciding what to do next based on its goals and the current situation.

Activation Function

An activation function in artificial neural networks helps decide whether a neuron should be activated based on its input. It is like a switch or a filter that processes input and produces an output based on specific criteria.

Active learning

Active learning in AI is a special case of machine learning in which the AI can ask for more information or specific examples to improve its learning.


It is a learning process in which one part of AI, the Actor, decides about an action to take, and the other part, the Critic, evaluates how this specific task is done. This means the Actor makes decisions, and the Critic evaluates those decisions, helping the Actor improve over time based on the feedback.

Adaptive algorithm

It refers to those algorithms that change their behavior based on the data they receive.

Admissible Heuristic

It is a fundamental principle in search algorithms that always estimate the cost of reaching the goal. This aids the AI in finding the optimal solution without wasting time exploring unfavorable options.

Adversarial machine learning

It is the study of how to make AI systems powerful against attacks that try to trick or mislead them.

Adversarial Search

It is a term for a technique in which an AI considers its opponent’s moves and tries to find the best strategy to win.


Agents are software programs that can interact with their environment, collect massive amounts of information (data), and use that data to perform pre-planned tasks.

Agent Architecture

Agent architecture is a blueprint that shows how an AI agent is built, including its sensors, actuators, and decision-making processes.

Agent-based model

This term refers to computer simulation that analyzes the behavior of individual agents and how they interact with each other and their environment. In addition, Agent-based modeling also studies the behavior of interactions between people, things, time, and places.

AI Accelerator

This terminology refers to hardware designed to speed up AI computations and make them run faster and smoother. 

AI Copilot

An AI Copilot is a conversational AI that uses large language models to allow users to perform various tasks within an organization. 

AI Alignment

The AI Alignment ensures that the AI systems remain aligned with the fundamental values and goals of humans. 

AI Art

This term refers to the art created with the help of artificial intelligence. 

AI Box

It is a hypothetical scenario in which a superintelligent AI is bound to a virtual environment to prevent it from harming the real world. 


It is a problem that is considered as hard to solve as creating true artificial intelligence.

AI Control Problem

This term refers to the challenge of ensuring that superintelligent AI systems remain under human control.

AI Effect

This refers to the phenomenon where once an AI successfully performs a task, it’s no longer considered a sign of true intelligence. In other words, as AI capabilities grow, our perception of what constitutes intelligence shifts. 

AI safety

AI safety is a field of research focused on ensuring that AI systems are safe and beneficial for humanity.

AI Plugin

AI plugins are specialized software components that integrate artificial intelligence capabilities into an existing interface or program. These modules increase system efficiency. 


A step-by-step set of instructions for solving a problem or completing a task.

Algorithmic Bias

It is a systematic error in an AI system’s output that results in unfair or discriminatory outcomes.

Algorithmic Efficiency

This term refers to how well an algorithm uses resources like time and memory. A more efficient algorithm gets the job done faster and with less effort.


It is a famous AI program developed by DeepMind that beat a world-champion Go player.


An updated, more generalized version of AlphaGo that can learn to play other games like chess and shogi without human knowledge.

Ambient Intelligence

This term refers to the artificial intelligence that is seamlessly integrated into our surroundings, making our lives easier and more convenient.

Analysis of Algorithms

It is the study of how efficient different algorithms are and how they compare to each other.

Anytime Algorithm

It is an algorithm that can provide a solution at any time, even if it hasn’t finished running completely. The longer it runs, the better the solution gets.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

It is an AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can.

Artificial Immune System

This term refers to an AI inspired by the human immune system that detects and responds to cyberattacks.

Artificial life

It is the study of creating and simulating life-like systems using computers.

Artificial Moral Agent

This term refers to an AI system that can make moral judgments and decisions.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

It is a term that refers to a method in which AI teaches a computer program to process data in a way that is inspired by the human brain.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

It is a term that refers to a method in which AI teaches a computer program to process data in a way that is inspired by the human brain.

Agentic AI

Agentic AI is an AI system designed to pursue complex tasks and workflows automatically and with the least human supervision. They exhibit a higher degree of autonomy and decision-making capabilities.