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AI Fundamentals

AI, or artificial intelligence, has now become the most significant reality in human lives. The advancement of AI is revolutionizing our interactions with daily tasks and opening new horizons of possibilities. 

Besides the rapid transformation and advancements in the AI sector, knowing it from its core is crucial to making the most of it. To address this matter, we are presenting you with an essential guide on how artificial intelligence works. In this exclusive guide, you will learn about rapid changes in AI.

With this guide, you will get a practical understanding of how you can start with AI to bring effectiveness to your lives.

AI Fundamentals

One more thing: We suggest reading this article in sequential order so that you can absorb it easily. 

Here are the topics you will learn in this guide:

Addressing The High-Level Terms

addressing the high level terms
We hear AI or ML a lot today. Do you ever think about it? What are they actually? Well, that would not be a big deal for you as we are going to address basic terms used in artificial intelligence. By the end of this section, you will have a clear understanding of the most commonly used terms in artificial intelligence.

AI– Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a broad term that refers to the ability of machines to perform those tasks that involve human interactions— such as decision-making, speech recognition, prediction based on the provided data, and comprehension of different languages. You might be thinking about what scenarios or things are not considered to be AI. Here they are:
  • Simple arithmetic: Basic mathematical operations that don’t need sophisticated learning algorithms.
  • Image processing: Techniques like convolution and filtering that are routine tasks not involving intelligent decision-making.
  • Data entry activities: Tasks that don’t involve intricate AI algorithms for analysis or decision-making.

What Is Algorithm in AI?

An algorithm is a set of instructions or a step-by-step guide for machines to perform specific tasks and make data-driven decisions. It is the core structure of an AI model and is used across its whole AI spectrum.

What is an AI Model?

An AI model is a program or algorithm designed and trained by humans on particular data to perform a clearly defined task. Below are a few types of AI models—let’s have a look at them:
Rule-Based Systems Machines carry out tasks by following predefined rules that humans hard-code, leading to specific outcomes using “if-then” logic statements.
Expert Systems Machines perform tasks using built-in expertise coded by humans to mimic the judgment and actions of a human expert.
Machine Learning Machines can learn to perform tasks and improve performance through experience without humans explicitly providing the rules.
The above are the different types of AI models, so why not compare AI Models with Machine Learning (ML) Models?
While all machine learning models are often considered to be AI models, this is not the case. Every AI model is not an ML model. The core difference between rule and expert-based AI models and ML models is as follows:
  • Rule-based and expert AI models do not evolve or get better with time.
  • ML models, however, are designed to learn and improve as they gain experience.
The above discussion shows the terminological differences between AI models. This information helps you understand them easily. Now, let’s start to learn about some philosophical and societal changes and considerations of AI.

Philosophical And Civil Considerations of AI

philosophical and civil considerations of ai
While we are talking about the AI fundamentals, we suggest you first learn how AI is impacting and shaping our society. For that purpose, we are hoping to discuss some of AI’s considerations here in depth. So, let’s have a look at AI’s philosophical and societal considerations in the following section.

Ethical Considerations of AI

A growing number of people are concerned about the fast-paced development of AI and the need to ensure it aligns with societal values and ethical principles. In the following discussion, we will see some key terminologies that people are using for AI ethics.
Alignment It refers to ensuring that AI systems’ goals align with human values and interests.
Responsible AI The ethical and responsible development and use of AI technology.
Explainability Making the decision-making process of AI models transparent.
Black Box When humans do not understand the decision-making of an AI model.
Singularity It is a hypothetical future point where AI surpasses human understanding, potentially leading to unpredictable societal shifts.
That was a quick overview of AI ethics– let’s have an insight into these considerations in the following section:


Alignment involves ensuring that an AI system’s goals are consistent with human values and intentions. This is a crucial part of the larger framework of responsible AI.
  • On a practical level, alignment ensures that an AI system performs tasks as expected, like generating a blog post about dogs when requested.
  • In a broader sense, alignment means preventing an AI from becoming so focused on achieving a goal that it inadvertently causes harm.

Responsible AI

Responsible AI focuses on the ethical development and use of AI technologies, ensuring that they are designed and implemented in ways that uphold human rights, respect diversity, and protect privacy. For example, in an email trigger system, responsible inputs could include the content of the email, its subject line, the sender, and relevant tags.


Explainability is a vital aspect of responsible AI. It refers to making the decision-making process of AI models transparent and easy for people to understand. For example, inputs for an AI-powered recommendation system include the user’s browsing history, previous purchases, product ratings, time spent on certain pages, and search queries.

Black Box

A “black box” refers to a scenario where the inner workings of an AI system are not clear or understandable, even to the developers who created it. This raises concerns about trust and accountability, as it becomes harder to ensure AI behaves responsibly when its processes are hidden.


While most research on responsible AI and alignment focuses on ensuring the positive integration of AI into society, we must also consider singularity. This is a hypothetical future point where AI systems can design and improve themselves without human intervention, surpassing human understanding and potentially causing rapid, unpredictable changes in society.

AI Development of Intelligence

The continuous advancement of AI intelligence is not only expected but, in many ways, the ultimate goal. So, where is AI intelligence today, and perhaps more importantly, where is it heading?
  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): Initially, we began with ANI, where AI systems were designed to perform specific tasks or sets of tasks, like voice recognition or image classification.
  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): We are arguably at AGI now, where AI systems possess human-level intelligence and can handle a wide range of tasks.
  • Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): The future points to ASI, where AI will surpass human intelligence and perform tasks beyond human comprehension. The concept of singularity falls under this category.

The ML Toolbox

types of machine learning approaches
After better understanding AI’s societal implications, let’s examine its technical side. Machine learning (ML) can be thought of as a toolbox filled with various tools, each designed to solve different problems. Just like tools in a physical toolbox, there are multiple ML approaches, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Using the correct approach is crucial to achieving the desired outcome.

Types of Machine Learning Approaches

Imagine you’re working for Amazon and tasked with building an AI model to recommend products based on customers’ past purchases. Here are some ML approaches you could use:
Supervised Learning Learning from a labeled dataset, where humans predetermine outputs.
Unsupervised Learning Learning by finding patterns in data without labeled outputs.
Reinforcement Learning Learning through failures and penalties, Reward with each action performed.
These are some of the most common ML approaches, though others exist as well. We have mentioned them using simple terminology to help you better understand them. Let’s have a deeper insight into these ML models.

Supervised Learning

This ML approach is one of the most widely used ML approaches, and it is supervised learning. Supervised learning involves training a model using a labeled dataset where humans predetermine the outputs. The model then learns to predict outputs for new data by identifying patterns from these examples. In the case of Amazon, the inputs could be customer data and product reviews, while the output might be the product a customer ultimately purchased. The model could then predict which products a customer is likely to be interested in.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, allows a model to identify patterns in data without predefined outputs. For example, the model could discover that customers who purchase laptops also often buy wireless mice and laptop cases—without being explicitly instructed to look for these patterns. In Amazon’s case, using unsupervised learning, the recommendation engine could automatically group products that are frequently bought together or identify customers with similar purchasing habits. This approach is especially helpful when labeling large, diverse datasets is time-consuming or costly for humans.

Reinforcement Learning

Another option is reinforcement learning, where the model learns by receiving rewards or penalties based on its actions. Reinforcement learning is similar to teaching a model to play a game where it:
  • Earns points for recommending products customers are likely to buy.
  • Loses points for recommending products that customers aren’t interested in.
This approach works well when:
  • There isn’t a historical dataset of purchases on which to train the model.
  • The input data is sparse or complex.
  • The model requires flexibility to learn and adapt, which can lead to higher accuracy and better performance than rigid models.
There are multiple types of reinforcement learning besides the above. We have briefly mentioned them in the following section. Let’s have a look at them.

Types of Reinforcement Learning

The Reinforcement Learning approach has different types that are distinguished based on how their AI models persuade the given data. For a quick learning, let’s have a look at the following table:
How does the AI Model learn? Is human Involvement required? Example of AI Model
Learns by interacting with its environment No Deep Mind’s AlphaGo Zero
It learns from the other AI models’ feedback No Anthropic’s Claude
Learn by combining traditional reinforcement learning with human guidance, which is called RLHF: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback Yes Chatbots powered by OpenAI, like ChatGPT
  • Using another model’s feedback allows the new model to benefit from the knowledge and experience of an existing model. With this machine learning approach, an AI model accelerates its learning and improves performance in tasks requiring complex decision-making.
  • Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is especially useful in tasks where human judgment is critical– such as natural language processing for chatbots, to ensure the quality of the output.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is one of the most advanced approaches in the Machine learning toolbox. The most relevant example of its application is the one Amazon uses for its recommendation system. In addition, deep learning involves training a neural network, a program modeled after the human brain, with interconnected layers of nodes working together to process data. Moreover, there are multiple ways to measure the benefits of the Deep learning approach. The deep Learning approach allows the models to automatically learn complex patterns without needing humans to define inputs manually. However, deep learning models can become so complex that they turn into a “black box.” Which means it’s difficult to understand how they make specific decisions. This raises concerns about reliability, safety, and fairness. Disclaimer: We will cover more about neural networks in the “Generative AI Architecture” section. So, keep reading this machine learning explanation for better understanding. Now, let us learn about the eight common machine-learning tasks that it performs seamlessly in an AI model. In the above section, we have briefly discussed different types of machine learning. Now, we are going to discover how these AI models combine to perform and pursue a particular task.

8 Common Machine Learning Tasks

Here is how Machine Learning tasks are being performed at a glance:
Concept Description
Prediction Using past data to forecast future outcomes.
Classification Assigning data to specific categories or labels.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Teaching machines to understand and interpret human language.
Computer Vision Enabling machines to recognize and interpret visual information from images or videos.
Speech Recognition Converting spoken language into text.
Anomaly Detection Identifying unusual patterns or outliers in data.
Clustering Grouping similar data points together without predefined labels.
Generation Creating new content, such as text, images, or music, based on learned patterns.
  1. Prediction: Prediction, as the name suggests, involves using an AI model to forecast the likelihood of a particular outcome. This is typically done by generating probabilities based on past data. The model analyzes trends and patterns to make informed predictions about future events.
  • Example Use Case: Social media platforms often use predictive models to determine the likelihood that a user will click on a particular ad, optimizing ad placements and improving user engagement.
  1. Classification: Classification is the process by which an AI model identifies patterns within input data and uses those patterns to categorize new, unseen data points. Essentially, it’s about grouping data into predefined labels or categories based on specific characteristics.
  • Example Use Case: In e-commerce, AI models classify products by applying relevant tags or keywords, making it easier for users to search for items based on category or attributes, such as electronics or home decor.
  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural Language Processing (NLP) focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP powers many modern applications, from virtual assistants to sentiment analysis.It plays a central role in large language models (LLMs), which are designed to process and generate text in a way that mimics human communication.
  • Example Use Cases: NLP is commonly used in customer service to evaluate the sentiment behind user feedback or in research industries to process vast amounts of text and extract valuable insights.
  1. Computer Vision: Computer vision refers to the ability of AI to interpret and make sense of visual data, such as images and videos. By processing this visual information, AI can identify objects, patterns, or anomalies within the data.
  • Example Use Cases: In manufacturing, computer vision is employed to detect defects in products during the quality control process, ensuring that only flawless items are sent out for distribution.
  1. Speech Recognition: Speech recognition involves converting spoken language into written text. It not only identifies and interprets speech but also accurately transcribes it. This technology is widely used in everyday applications, enhancing accessibility and convenience for users.
  • Example Use Case: Virtual assistants like Siri use speech recognition to understand user commands and provide relevant responses by turning voice input into actionable data.
  1. Anomaly Detection: Anomaly detection focuses on identifying irregular or abnormal patterns in data. It is especially useful in situations where deviations from the norm could signal potential issues, such as security threats or system malfunctions.
Now, let’s start to learn about some philosophical and societal changes and considerations of AI.

Philosophical And Civil Considerations of AI

philosophical and civil considerations of ai
While we are talking about the AI fundamentals, we suggest you first learn how AI is impacting and shaping our society. For that purpose, we are hoping to discuss some of AI’s considerations here in depth. So, let’s have a look at AI’s philosophical and societal considerations in the following section.

Ethical Considerations of AI

A growing number of people are concerned about the fast-paced development of AI and the need to ensure it aligns with societal values and ethical principles. In the following discussion, we will see some key terminologies that people are using for AI ethics.
Alignment It refers to ensuring that AI systems’ goals align with human values and interests.
Responsible AI The ethical and responsible development and use of AI technology.
Explainability Making the decision-making process of AI models transparent.
Black Box When humans do not understand the decision-making of an AI model.
Singularity It is a hypothetical future point where AI surpasses human understanding, potentially leading to unpredictable societal shifts.
That was a quick overview of AI ethics– let’s have an insight into these considerations in the following section:


Alignment involves ensuring that an AI system’s goals are consistent with human values and intentions. This is a crucial part of the larger framework of responsible AI. On a practical level, alignment ensures that an AI system performs tasks as expected, like generating a blog post about dogs when requested. In a broader sense, alignment means preventing an AI from becoming so focused on achieving a goal that it inadvertently causes harm.

Responsible AI

Responsible AI focuses on the ethical development and use of AI technologies, ensuring that they are designed and implemented in ways that uphold human rights, respect diversity, and protect privacy.
  • Example Use Case: In cybersecurity, AI models detect and prevent potential cyber-attacks by identifying unusual patterns of activity in network traffic, allowing for early intervention.
  • Clustering: Clustering is the task of grouping similar data points together based on shared features without any predefined labels. This unsupervised learning technique helps to uncover natural groupings or patterns within a dataset.
  • Example Use Case: Streaming services like Netflix use clustering to analyze viewer behavior and suggest personalized recommendations based on the clustering of similar preferences and habits.
  • Generation: Generation, often referred to as generative AI (or GenAI), is the process where AI models create new data or content based on existing patterns and input. This could include anything from text to images or even audio.
  • Example Use Case: Generative AI is widely used in creative industries to produce unique designs, graphics, or artwork, allowing designers to explore new possibilities based on established patterns and styles.
The above discussion covered every aspect relevant to Machine Learning. In the following section, we are going to discuss another AI term, Generative AI. So, let’s get to it and make it more understandable.

Generative AI– An Overview

generative ai architecture
Generative artificial intelligence is a combination of algorithms that can create new content when instructed to do so. You must have engaged with the ChatGPT, which is an example of Generative AI functionality. Before getting started with Generative AI in detail, you must learn about some useful terms that are frequently used. In the following table, we have mentioned these terms with a brief. Let’s have a look at them:

Key Terms Explained For Generative AI

For a better understanding of generative artificial intelligence, you should learn about its basic terms, mentioned below:
Modality It is the type of data that AI is being processed or generated.
Input The data provided to an AI model to interpret a problem, situation, or request.
Prompt A set of instructions provided to an AI model for information.
Inference It is a process in which an AI model applies training data to generate results.
Completion or Output The response generated by the model against a prompt.
Now, you have an initial understanding of the Generative AI terms. Let us start to understand it in more detail.
  • What is Modality?
Generative AI can be applied to various modalities, which refer to the specific type of data being processed or created. These modalities contain a wide range, including text, images, video, code, speech, music, 3D models, and more. Generative AI’s versatility allows it to engage with different forms of data, making it a powerful tool across multiple industries and creative fields.
  • What is Input?
Input refers to the data fed into an AI model to prompt it for generating responses or making predictions. For instance, when using a language model like ChatGPT, the input could be a question, a sentence, or even a paragraph. The model then analyzes this input to understand the context and respond accordingly.
  • What is a Prompt?
A prompt is a specific instruction or request made to a generative AI model to elicit a desired output. For example, you might prompt the AI by asking it to “Write a short story about a cat who learns to play the piano.” The effectiveness of the prompt can significantly influence the quality and relevance of the output.
  • What is Inference?
Inference is the process by which a generative AI model applies its training data to generate results. During inference, the model uses the patterns it has learned from previous data to create new content or make predictions based on the input it receives.
  • What is Completion or Output?
Completion or output refers to the response generated by a generative AI model when it processes a given prompt. This output can take various forms, such as text, images, or other content, depending on the type of generative AI in use.

Important Data Processing Terms in Generative AI

If you are thinking about how generative AI works, we are going to unveil this information for you here. Generative AI uses tokens, vectors, and embeddings to generate outputs when asked. For a quick overview of these terminologies, let’s look at the following table.
Token It is an elementary unit of data that represents a word, text, image, or other elements.
Vector A vector is a mathematical representation of a token.
Embedding Embedding is a vector that finds the meaning between tokens.
The above illustration shows the basic meaning of the Tokens, Vectors, and Embeddings. Now, let’s dive deep into it.


A token is the smallest unit of data that an AI model uses to process inputs. These inputs can be text prompts or other forms of prompts, such as images or audio. For a better understanding, let’s look at the following example: In the sentence “Orange is a fruit,” each word—“Orange,” “is,” “a,” and “fruit” is a token.


A vector is a mathematical tool used to represent a token in a way that an AI model can understand. Each token, which can be a word or symbol, is converted into a set of numbers that define its meaning and context within the data. This numerical representation allows the AI to interpret tokens and process them using its underlying algorithms, essentially translating human language into a format that the model can work with effectively.


Embeddings are like enhanced vectors that go beyond simple representation. They not only define tokens but also capture deeper meanings and relationships between them. By doing so, embeddings enable AI models to grasp the finer interpretation of data, making them essential for understanding more complex patterns. In addition, embeddings help models better interpret context and relationships between tokens, enhancing the AI’s ability to process and generate more meaningful outputs. For a better understanding, let’s compare the three of them to see how they work together.

Comparison Between Tokens, Vectors, & Embeddings

Understanding how tokens, vectors, and embeddings work together is key to learning how AI processes data. The process starts by breaking down complex data into smaller, manageable units called tokens. These tokens are then transformed into numerical vectors, which are easier for machine learning algorithms to analyze. This conversion enables AI models to perform tasks like data analysis, comprehension, and content generation with higher efficiency. While vectors work well for simpler tasks where straightforward data representation is needed, embeddings are used for more advanced functions. When AI models need to detect complex patterns or subtle relationships—such as in natural language processing (NLP) or computer vision—embeddings become essential. They allow the model to understand and work with deeper layers of meaning and context, making an AI more adaptable for handling complex tasks like interpreting language or recognizing images.

Explaining the Generative AI Architecture

The architecture of generative AI consists of the foundational infrastructure that supports the development, training, deployment, and management of AI models. This structure includes several critical components, such as:
Hardware The physical components like GPUs and TPUs.
Software Machine learning (ML) frameworks and libraries are essential for model development.
Model Design This refers to the structure of the AI model, such as neural networks.
Model Behavior Involves setting distinct training objectives and the data used to train the model.
The above is a quick overview of the different components of generative AI architecture. In the following section, we will discuss each component in detail.


Once an AI model, such as a rule-based or machine learning model, is selected, the next crucial step is to acquire the computing hardware necessary to run it efficiently. The AI model can only perform optimally with adequate hardware, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex computation.

Computing Power

Once an AI model, such as a rule-based or machine learning model, is selected, the next crucial step is to acquire the computing hardware necessary to run it efficiently. The AI model can only perform optimally with suitable hardware, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex computations.

Computational Resources

Access to high-end computational resources is a key enabler for advancing deep learning models. These resources allow for parallel processing and quicker computations, speeding up the entire machine-learning process. Essential hardware components include:
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) GPUs are vital for training AI models and generating outputs. They are designed to handle large datasets and complex algorithms, making them perfect for machine-learning applications.
Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) These specialized chips are used to accelerate training processes and boost performance.
Note: Those who want to build an AI model can buy GPU chips or use cloud-based services, such as Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS), that offer GPU-equipped virtual machines. Interesting Fact: ChatGPT and GPUs To empower OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft spent millions of dollars to build a super-massive computer with A100 NVIDIA. This chip is the most powerful GPU unit at this time. Now, let’s learn about the other components of generative AI architecture in the following section.

Tensor Processing Units (TPUs):

Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) are specialized hardware accelerators designed to enhance the speed and efficiency of machine learning models significantly. Google designed these units, which are optimized for AI tasks, especially those involving large-scale data processing and deep learning. Additionally, by accelerating both the training and deployment phases of AI models, TPUs are particularly well-suited for generative AI tasks. These tasks include image and text generation, where high-performance computation is crucial.

Software & Libraries

When it comes to interacting with a model, there are commonly two ways, such as:
  • Through a web interface
  • Using your computer system
Lets have a deeper look at them:

Web Interface

If you are using an AI model through a web interface that a company provides, all you need to have is a web browser. For example, if you are using ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, you will need a Chrome browser to interact with this AI model. Chrome web browser acts as client software, enabling you to use the ChatGPT AI model without installing any additional machine learning libraries or frameworks on your personal computer.

Running Locally

If you are going to use an AI model on your computer, you will need to download and install open-source machine learning frameworks and libraries. When it comes to addressing the need to run an AI model locally, there are multiple reasons. Locally running AI models provide you with the utmost privacy, offline access, and liberty to customize the AI model according to your requirements. In addition, running an AI model locally allows you to take control of your data and relieve you of sensitive data breaches.

What does it mean by Open Source?

Open-source AI models are freely available to anyone for use, modification, and distribution. This creates collaboration, transparency, and innovation within the AI community, allowing developers to build upon existing models. For instance, Grok is an open-source AI model, while ChatGPT (as of April 2024) is not. Open-source models encourage greater flexibility for researchers and developers to tailor AI systems to their needs.

What are Machine Learning Frameworks?

A machine learning framework is a powerful tool that simplifies the creation and development of AI models. It abstracts away the complexity of underlying algorithms, enabling software developers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers to focus on higher-level tasks without needing to understand every technical detail. These frameworks provide essential functionalities to streamline the process of building, training, and deploying AI models.

What are the Libraries?

In machine learning, a library is a collection of pre-written code that includes essential functions and tools used for creating and implementing machine learning models. Libraries make the model-building process faster and more efficient, allowing developers to leverage existing code rather than starting from scratch.

Understanding Open-Source ML Frameworks & Libraries

There are several well-known open-source frameworks and libraries widely used in the machine learning community. These include:
TensorFlow (by Google) A popular framework for deep learning that offers flexibility and scalability, making it suitable for a variety of AI tasks.
PyTorch (by Facebook) Known for its ease of use and strong compatibility with Python, PyTorch is favored by researchers and developers for building custom machine-learning models.
Hugging Face’s Transformers Library This state-of-the-art machine learning library is designed for use with both PyTorch and TensorFlow. It allows users to easily download and fine-tune pre-trained models, reducing the computing power and time required to train models from scratch.
Hugging Face is particularly well-suited for natural language processing tasks and has become a go-to resource for developers looking to implement pre-trained models efficiently.

Getting Into the AI Model Design/Structure

There are various ways to design an AI model, but one of the most prominent methods is the design of the neural network architecture. This refers to the specific configuration and layout of a neural network, determining how it processes data and learns from it.

What is a Neural Network?

A neural network is a specialized type of machine-learning framework that enables machines to process information in a manner that mimics how the human brain works. This is achieved through an interconnected web of nodes organized in layers. This allows the machine to understand complex relationships and patterns within the data. By utilizing these adaptive systems, neural networks not only process information but also learn from their mistakes, continuously improving over time. One key aspect that makes neural networks particularly powerful is their ability to convert data into numerical representations, known as embeddings, which enable the system to interpret and extract meaning from the data. If you are designing an AI system and need it to handle complex, non-linear tasks, a neural network architecture would be an ideal choice. Some of the most common applications include:
  • Image recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • Prediction models


Transformers have become one of the most talked-about architectures in the AI world. They are especially notable for their role in large-scale language models, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, where the “T” in GPT stands for “Transformer.” Introduced in 2017, transformers operate on a neural network architecture but use a unique mechanism called “self-attention.” This mechanism allows transformers to analyze multiple parts of input data simultaneously rather than processing them one piece at a time, as traditional methods do. This self-attention mechanism enhances the model’s ability to grasp complex relationships within the data, providing a deeper understanding of the input and allowing the model to generate more accurate and meaningful outputs. Due to their versatility and efficiency, transformers have been widely adopted in many AI applications, particularly in training large language models (LLMs) on extensive datasets. It’s important to note that while transformers are often used in neural network-based models, they are not limited to neural networks. Transformers have become foundational in many state-of-the-art AI systems, regardless of the underlying architecture, and are a crucial component in the advancement of AI technologies.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative Adversarial Networks, commonly known as GANs, are another advanced AI architecture that involves the simultaneous training of two neural networks in a competitive setup. These two networks are:
The Generator Responsible for creating new data that attempts to fool the discriminator.
The Discriminator Acts as a critic, evaluating the data produced by the generator and determining whether it is real or fake.
The competition between these two networks allows them to improve continuously. The generator iterates until it becomes proficient at producing realistic data, while the discriminator hones its ability to detect fake data. Over time, the generator’s output becomes increasingly indistinguishable from real data. GANs are particularly effective for applications where realistic data generation is needed, such as image synthesis. They are also useful in scenarios where training data is scarce, as they can generate synthetic datasets that can be used to train other machine learning models. This process enhances the overall performance and efficiency of AI systems by reducing the need for extensive manual data collection and labeling.

Understanding Model Behavior in AI Systems

AI models, such as those using transformer architecture and incorporating some features from GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), have their behavior shaped by how they are trained. Its training process largely influences a model’s unique actions and outputs. There are a few key elements that determine a model’s behavior:
Training Goals The model is trained with specific objectives designed to help it carry out particular tasks.
Training Data The data used to train the model comes from the field or type of work that the model will be performing.
Achieving the right balance between these elements is essential to developing effective AI models that produce reliable and accurate results. To understand this better, let’s look at two types of models– Constitutional AI and Diffusion Models.

What is Constitutional AI?

Constitutional AI refers to AI models designed with built-in ethical guidelines. These models are programmed to follow rules that ensure they behave responsibly. For example, they might be designed to avoid causing harm, respect people’s choices, and provide truthful information. These ethical rules guide the model so that it produces safe and appropriate results. Here’s how a Constitutional AI model might be trained:
Training Objective The model could be trained to understand legal concepts and predict outcomes in legal situations. Its goal might be to assist in making legal judgments.
Training Data The model would be trained using legal documents, such as court rulings, laws, and historical legal cases.
An example of a large language model (LLM) that uses Constitutional AI is Claude, which Anthropic developed. Claude’s behavior is governed by ethical principles to ensure it provides helpful and safe responses.

What is a Diffusion Model?

Diffusion Models are currently very popular for creating realistic images and videos. These models work by slowly distorting data and then trying to reverse the process to recreate the original data. Here’s a breakdown of how diffusion models function:
  1. The model starts with an image, sound, or some other type of data and applies small amounts of noise or distortion to it in a series of steps. Each step makes the image or sound less clear.
  2. After distorting the data, the model then tries to undo those changes and recover the original image or sound.
  3. The more the model practices this process of adding and removing noise, the better it gets at guessing what the original data looked or sounded like.
Diffusion models are highly effective in generating content that looks or sounds very real.
Training Objective The model could be trained to create social media content, such as pictures, videos, or audio.
Training Data To perform this task, the model would be trained using social media posts, news stories, and other relevant information.
This systematic approach allows diffusion models to excel at generating high-quality, realistic content, making them a go-to choice for media creation. In the next section, we will discover how to train an AI model. Let’s explore each of its steps and make them understandable.

Discovering How AI Models Are Trained?

how ai models are trained When talking about how AI models are trained and executed, there are mainly four phases included in it, such as:
Phase 1: Pre-Training Establishes a foundational (or ‘base’) model.
Phase 2: Customization Adapts the model to perform specific tasks.
Phase 3: Deployment Deploys the model for real-world application.
Phase 4: Refinement Enhances the model’s performance and output quality.
The different phases combined above create an AI model. In the following section, we will explore each phase in more detail.

Phase 1: Pre-Training

The first phase is called pre-training, where an AI model starts to learn the basics. During this stage, the model is trained on huge amounts of data, known as “unstructured data.” Unstructured data is messy and doesn’t follow any specific format or structure, but it’s rich in information. Examples of unstructured data include texts from websites, books, articles, images, and more.

Why Use Unstructured Data?

Using unstructured data is important because it is more widely available and captures a lot of variety, such as human language and different visual information. This variety helps the AI model develop a broad understanding of many different tasks. For example, a model trained on various types of data can understand and work on multiple topics instead of just one specific task.

Foundation Model – The First Level of Training

After pre-training, the AI model becomes what’s called a foundation model or base model. This model has general knowledge that allows it to perform a wide range of tasks. However, this general-purpose ability comes at a cost—it may not be very good at performing specialized tasks, like following specific instructions or holding a conversation. For example, a foundation model might be good at predicting the next word in a sentence, but it might not yet know how to chat with you, like ChatGPT does.

Phase 2: Customization of an AI Model

Once the base model is ready, the next phase is customization, where the AI is further trained to become better at specific tasks. This is done through different methods:

Specialized Prompts

By giving the model more specific instructions or examples, we can guide it toward producing the output we need. This method doesn’t change the model itself but helps it focus on a particular task using the knowledge it already has. Some types of specialized prompts include:
Retrieval Augmented Generation This technique improves the model’s responses by pulling in outside information, like facts from a database. It helps the AI use up-to-date and specific information without needing to be retrained from scratch.
Zero-Shot Learning With this learning level, the model can perform tasks without needing special training. For example, you can ask it to do something new, and it will try to complete the task based on the broad knowledge it learned during pre-training.
Few-Shot Learning You give the model a few examples to help it understand how to complete a task. For instance, if you want the AI to recognize different types of fruits, you might show it a few images of apples, oranges, and bananas with labels, and the model will learn from those examples.

Fine-Tuning of AI Models

Another way to improve the AI is through fine-tuning. This involves giving the model more training with new, specific data. Fine-tuning helps the AI get better at performing certain tasks by making changes to its original state. However, there’s a risk with fine-tuning. If you fine-tune a model too much on one type of data, it may become too specialized and not perform well on new tasks. This problem is called overfitting. So, it’s important to find the right balance between improving the model for a specific task while keeping it flexible enough to handle different situations.

Temperature Setting of AI Models

Unlike fine-tuning, which changes the model’s knowledge, temperature controls how the model behaves when generating answers. It adds randomness to the output, making the AI give more creative or varied responses. A lower temperature makes the model stick closely to the most likely answers, while a higher temperature lets it explore different possibilities.

Phase 3: Deployment Of Trained AI Models

After the model has been trained and customized, it’s time to deploy it. This means making the AI model available for use in real-world applications. There are a few ways this can happen:
  • The model might be kept private and used only by a specific company.
  • It could be sold as a service through an API, which allows other companies to access the model. For example, OpenAI offers ChatGPT through an API.
  • Sometimes, a model might be shared publicly as open-source software. This allows other people or companies to run the model on their own servers, as is the case with Stable Diffusion, a popular AI tool for generating images.

Phase 4: Refinement of AI Models

The last phase of training is called refinement. Once the model is deployed and in use, it doesn’t stop learning. The AI needs to be regularly monitored to make sure it’s performing well. In order to make it happen, feedback from users, updated data, and new techniques help improve the model over time. In this phase, developers might adjust the algorithms, retrain the model with fresh data, or add new features to make sure the model stays relevant and effective. The goal is to keep refining the model so it can continue to perform well in changing conditions and new scenarios. By going through these steps, AI models evolve from basic systems into highly effective tools that can perform a wide range of tasks– from answering questions to generating realistic images.

Understanding Large Language Models (LLMs)

understanding LLMS Large Language Models (LLMs) are a part of generative AI, but they focus specifically on tasks related to language. While generative AI can also handle things like creating images, videos, or music, LLMs are designed to understand and generate human language.

How LLMs Work?

LLMs are trained on massive amounts of text data. They learn how words and phrases are connected and can generate sentences that make sense based on the input they receive. For example, if you give an LLM a prompt, it can respond with a well-formed sentence or paragraph because it has learned the patterns of language.

What Are the Limitations of LLMs?

Even though LLMs are impressive, they have some limitations, such as:
  1. Math Skills: LLMs aren’t good at solving complicated math problems. They can handle basic arithmetic, but for complex calculations, they might struggle because they rely on patterns rather than actual mathematical logic.
  2. Not Always Accurate: LLMs don’t have a real understanding of the world. They create responses based on patterns in their training data, so sometimes they might give incorrect information. It’s important to double-check facts from LLMs using reliable sources.

What do LLMs face the Challenges?

Despite their abilities, LLMs have some significant challenges or “bottlenecks” that can limit their effectiveness, like:
Training Cost Requires substantial computational resources.
Fine-Tuning Limits Fails to enhance knowledge or improve comprehension.
Data Shortage Insufficient access to high-quality datasets.
Limited Context Windows Difficulty maintaining coherence with larger data sets.
Hallucinations Produces inaccurate or nonsensical information.
Latency & Cost Tradeoffs Faster response times incur higher costs.
Training Dates Lacks the ability to incorporate the most current information.
The following discussion shows you the challenges faced by large language models– let’s have a look at them.

Training Cost

Training LLMs requires a lot of computing power, which can be very expensive. In addition, there’s a risk of running into a shortage of GPUs (graphics processing units), which are necessary for training these models. Even though some foundation models can reduce the cost of training, fine-tuning or adapting these models for specific tasks still incurs significant expenses.

Fine-Tuning Limits

Fine-tuning an LLM can make it better at specific tasks, but it doesn’t actually improve the model’s general knowledge or understanding of the world. So, while a model might perform better in a certain task, it won’t become smarter overall.

Data Shortage

LLMs need access to a lot of high-quality data to be effective. However, there’s often a shortage of good data, which can limit their performance and ability to learn new things.

Context Limitations

LLMs can struggle to keep track of long conversations or large chunks of text. This means they may lose track of the context, leading to less coherent responses when dealing with a lot of information at once.


Sometimes, LLMs can generate information that isn’t true or doesn’t make sense. This happens because they are just predicting the next word based on patterns, not on actual knowledge.

Latency and Cost Trade-Offs

Producing quick responses can be more expensive because it requires more computing resources. Companies often have to balance between providing fast responses and keeping costs manageable.

Outdated Information

LLMs are trained on data up to a certain point in time. This means they may not have the most current information, which can affect their usefulness for tasks requiring up-to-date knowledge.

How Large Language Models (LLMs) Are Trained?

Training large language models (LLMs) involves teaching them how to understand and generate language. These models are trained in several stages to help them learn how words and sentences work together. The process usually includes three key steps: pre-training, fine-tuning, and refinement.

Step 1: Pre-Training

In the pre-training stage, LLMs learn the basics of language by processing large amounts of text. The goal is to teach the model how to predict the next word in a sentence based on the words it has already seen. For example, if the model sees the phrase The sky is, it would learn to predict that the next word might be blue. During pre-training, the model is exposed to vast amounts of text, which allows it to develop a general understanding of language, grammar, and word relationships. This is similar to how humans learn to understand language by hearing or reading many sentences over time.
Did You Know That: OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 was trained using an enormous collection of data from books, Wikipedia, and a large part of the internet known as CommonCrawl. This huge variety of text helps the model understand different writing styles, topics, and ways people use language.

Step 2: Fine-Tuning

Once the LLM has been pre-trained and has a basic understanding of the language, the next step is fine-tuning. In this stage, the model is trained more deeply on specific tasks or types of content. Fine-tuning helps the model not just predict the next word but also understand more complex relationships and deeper meanings in the text. For example, instead of just completing a sentence, the model might learn how to summarize a paragraph, answer questions, or generate text that sounds more natural and human-like. Fine-tuning also involves using attention mechanisms, which allow the model to focus on the most important parts of the text it’s reading. This helps the model understand more sophisticated and detailed language, making it capable of generating responses that are more relevant and accurate. Through fine-tuning, the LLM learns patterns and relationships in the text, which enables it to create coherent and meaningful responses that sound like a person wrote them.

Step 3: Refinement

After pre-training and fine-tuning, the model undergoes a final stage of refinement. This step involves making improvements based on feedback and usage so the model becomes more user-friendly and helpful. For instance, the early versions of ChatGPT, like ChatGPT-3, felt more like a simple auto-complete tool, giving responses that were useful but sometimes mechanical. Over time, through refinement, OpenAI improved the model significantly. The latest version, ChatGPT-4, offers a much more interactive and conversational experience. It feels like you’re talking to a knowledgeable assistant who understands what you’re asking and provides helpful, well-thought-out answers.

Continuous Improvement

AI researchers, such as those at OpenAI, are constantly working on making LLMs better. Each version of models like ChatGPT builds upon the previous ones to provide a more interactive and useful experience. The goal is to make these models easier to use and more effective at understanding and responding to human language. So, training LLMs involves several stages, such as pre-training, where they learn basic language patterns; fine-tuning, where they become more specialized and sophisticated; and refinement, where they are made more user-friendly. This process helps LLMs evolve from simple sentence prediction to engaging in meaningful conversations and assisting with various tasks.

Understanding AI: Automation, Agents, Low-Code/No-Code, and APIs

understanding AI
AI has significantly transformed how businesses function and how individuals interact with technology. Two key concepts in AI are automation and agents. However, before diving into these, it’s important to first understand the basics of Low-Code/No-Code and APIs. These concepts may not be directly related to AI but are essential when applying AI technologies.


Low-code/no-code refers to a type of programming that requires minimal or no traditional coding knowledge to build software applications. These tools are designed to make development more accessible for people without extensive coding experience. In addition, they enable you to create functional applications quickly, often through a visual interface, without writing complex code.
  • Low-code tools: They provide a development platform that includes some basic coding for customization, but it’s far simpler than traditional programming. For example, Retool is a low-code platform that allows businesses to build internal tools quickly. It does require some knowledge of programming languages like JavaScript or SQL, but it saves a lot of time compared to writing software from scratch.
  • No-Code Platforms: It eliminates the need for any coding at all. A popular example is Zapier, which connects different software and tools through APIs and allows users to automate tasks and manage data flow between apps using an easy-to-use interface.
  • Application Programming Interface (API): An API (Application Programming Interface) is like a bridge that allows different software programs to communicate with each other. It plays a crucial role in both low-code and no-code environments. APIs make it easy to integrate various tools and services into a business’s operations without building everything from scratch. For instance, when using Zapier, APIs are what allow two applications to exchange data. Zapier uses APIs to connect apps like Google Sheets and Slack, letting users automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes.
As you explore AI further, understanding these fundamental tools will help you see how AI can be implemented to streamline operations and create innovative solutions.

How Automation & Agents Are Streamlining Complex Challenges?

how automation is solving complex challanges Automation and agents are two powerful concepts transforming the way businesses operate by streamlining tasks and workflows. Before diving into their specifics, it’s essential to understand automation tools and how APIs make these technologies function smoothly.

Automation – Streamlining Business Operations

Automation refers to the use of technology to handle tasks that typically require human effort. It simplifies complex processes by delegating them to machines, reducing the need for manual intervention. Once an automation system is set up, it operates with minimal human input, handling tasks such as moving data between systems or performing repetitive actions. Automation tools can range from simple, user-friendly platforms that don’t require coding (Low-Code/No-Code tools) to more advanced systems that developers can customize extensively. There are three main types of automation tools. Here is a quick illustration of what are these automation tools, how they work, and other essential aspects for better comprehension.

Key Differences between 3 Types of Automation

There are three main types of automation, each varying in how much human input is required and how independently they can function:

Key Differences AI Fundamentals

Automation Type How Does It Work? Need Of Human Interaction Functions
Traditional Automation This type of automation follows fixed, predetermined rules set by humans. High – requires explicit instructions for each task. It is ideal for repetitive, menial tasks like sending automatic email replies or processing forms.
AI Automation It uses artificial intelligence to learn from data and make decisions based on patterns. As it processes more data, it can improve over time. Medium – requires some initial setup but can start adapting on its own. Used for more complex tasks like data analysis or customer support that involves decision-making.
AI Agents This is similar to AI automation, but AI agents take full control, making decisions and acting autonomously based on the end goal provided by humans. Low – requires only an end goal, and the agent handles everything else. Suitable for advanced problem-solving and interactions, like responding to customer inquiries in real time or managing complex logistics.

Benefits of Automation

Automation provides several benefits, including:
  • Increased efficiency: Tasks can be completed faster and with fewer errors.
  • Cost savings: Reducing the need for human labor lowers operational costs.
  • Enhanced accuracy: Automated systems minimize human errors, ensuring more consistent results.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, automation can easily adapt to handle increased workloads.
  • Employee satisfaction: Employees can focus on more meaningful, strategic tasks instead of tedious, repetitive ones.

Agents – Intelligent Automation

AI agents represent a higher level of automation. They operate independently and can make decisions based on their understanding of a given situation. For example, a virtual assistant can analyze emails, categorize them, and prioritize responses based on previous patterns. AI agents can significantly enhance business efficiency by automating complex tasks that typically require human judgment. They are especially useful in customer service, where they can handle inquiries, provide recommendations, and even troubleshoot issues. To summarize, AI automation and agents play a crucial role in streamlining business operations, enabling organizations to focus on more strategic activities rather than routine tasks.


In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of AI, from LLM training to automation and agents, is vital for harnessing the full potential of this technology. By leveraging these concepts, businesses can innovate, streamline operations, and improve productivity, paving the way for a more efficient and advanced future.